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Jadeite Jade — Natural Jadeite

Precious Gemstone: Jade Formation and the Finest Jadeite Jade in Burma

Precious Gemstone: Jade Formation and the Finest Jadeite Jade in Burma

Where did jade come from? Jade can only be formed under specific circumstances. Natural jadeite deposits are only usually found along the geologic locations where tectonic plates meet. Imperial jade is the finest quality of jade that is usually found in Burma that is in the color of a very vibrant emerald green.
What is Jade: Jade Gemstone vs Jade Imitations

What is Jade: Jade Gemstone vs Jade Imitations

When we talk about jade, we are referring to the gemstone. There are often many misconceptions about what jade is since there are many imitations. These are not the genuine gemstones, but rather other minerals that resemble them in appearance.