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How to Tie Front Knot with a Square Silk Scarf

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How to Tie - Instructions
Wearing your silk scarf draped casually around your shoulders is not only practical for keeping away a chill (or keeping the sun off your shoulders in warmer weather), but it’s fashionable. This scarf tying style will dress up a casual outfit, or add a touch of soft elegance to more formal attire.
To begin, select your favorite square silk scarf that’s about three feet wide. Dahlia’s square silk scarves work perfectly for this style.   Fold it in half so that it forms a large rectangle.

How to Tie Front Knot Using Square Silk Scarves

From there, fold at one corner to form a right triangle.

How to Tie Front Knot Using Square Silk Scarves

Then, grasp the ends of the scarf and drape it around your shoulders, tying a knot in the scarf in the middle of your chest.

How to Tie Front Knot Using Square Silk Scarves