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Jade Information

Dahlia Certified Grade-A Jadeite Jade Collection:

Jadeite jade is an ornamental stone, harder than Nephrite, and hence would allow intricate craftsmanship and design without breaking. Among all types of Jadeite, Grade A jadeite jade is natural, untreated jade, that only undergoes a traditional craftsmanship such as Cutting, Carving and Polishing etc. without artificial chemical treatments. It is much more valuable than other typed jade, and its price increases every year due to limited resources and vanishing fine craftsmanship.
Unlike Grade A jadeite jade, Grade B and C jadeite jade are bleached, polymer impregnated, or dyed. Dahlia's Grade A Jadeite Jade collection is safe to wearer's skin and the luster of our jadeite jades are considered to be glamorously glossy and pearly.
Dahlia understands the finest jadeite jade can cost a fortune. Thus we provide quality commercial Grade A jadeite jade with affordable pricing and delicate design to deliver exceptional meaningful and cultural heritage. Due to the hand carve work and natural jadeite jade stone used in our products, each piece may vary slightly by design, size and color.
Dahlia Jadeite Jade Donut Pendant Necklace           Dahlia Jadeite Jade Flower Bracelet Certified Grade A

Jade Information:

  • A symbol for energy and beauty, traditional yet modern, Jade is believed to stimulate creativity and mental agility while also balancing the inner "chi" of a human body in gemstone theories.
  • 'Jade', or "Yu", as it is called in China, is actually a term for two different gems, Nephrite and Jadeite. 
  • Nephrite deposits have been found in China, New Zealand, Russia, Guatemala and the Swiss Alps. Dark green jade, or Canada jade, is also a type of nephrite found in Western Canada.
  • Jadeite is found in China, Russia and Guatemala, and some of the top quality jadeite stones come from Burma, now known as Myanmar.
  • In general, the value of jade is determined according to its color and the intensity, the vivacity and texture, and its clarity and transparency.
  • Mohs Scale Hardness: 6.5 – 7
  • Colors: shades of emerald green as well as white, gray, yellow, orange and violet.
  • Anniversary: 12th

Jade Type 玉的类型

Jade, one of the most precious gemstones deemed by the Chinese people since the ancient times. China is a country the possess large resources of jade stones, which can be further categorized into Nephrite and Jadeite.


1. Jadeite 硬玉

Jadeite, a pyroxene mineral  with a Mohs hardness between 6.5 to 7.0, depending on the composition. The mineral has a gravity of around 3.4, higher than that of Nephrite (2.9-3.1). 


2. Nephrite 软玉

Nephrite, a composition of calcium, magnesium, and iron-rich amphibole minerals, with a Mohs scale hardness between ‎6 – 6.5. China also possess a large natural source of Nephrite, including types such as "He Tian" "Lan Tian" "Du Shan" & “Xiu Yu” etc based on the geographical locations and hardness of the jade composition.


中国"四大名玉",是新疆产出的"和田玉" (硬度为6~6.5&比重2.96~3.17)、河南南阳产出的"独山玉"(硬度为6~6.5比重为3.29),陕西蓝田玉 (硬度为2-6,比重2.7) 和辽宁岫岩县产出的"岫玉" (它的硬度为4.8~5.5;比重2.45-2.48左右)。注:正常人的牙齿(齿冠外层)硬度为6-7。

Table of the Jade Hardness

Jade Type 品名 Name 硬度 Hardness 比重 Weight
硬玉 Jadeite 翡翠 Jadeite 6.5-7 3.25-3.4
软玉 Nephrite 和田玉 Hetian Jade 6-6.5 2.96-3.17
独山玉 Dushan Jade 6-6.5 3.29
独山玉 Dushan Jade Type ii 6-6.5 3.29
蓝田玉 Lantian Jade 2-6 2.7
岫玉 Xiu Jade 4.8-5.5 2.45-2.48


翡翠 Jadeite

和田玉 He Tian

独山玉 Du Shan

蓝田玉 Lan Tian

岫玉 Xiu Yu

To Conclude, from the table we can see that the hardness of Jadeite is usually higher than nephrite, this is one of the most important reasons why Jadeite is more valuable than Nephrite.


Jade Grade 翡翠等级

In the jadeite market, the gemstones are known by three types, Type A, B, and C. with Grade-A jade the only one being natural, while the Grade B, Grade B+C, Grade C are all treated on different degrees by chemicals to enhance its appearance, however, the chemicals inside Grade B&C Jadeite may be harmful for human body and skin.

市场上所卖的翡翠制品鱼龙混杂,有好有坏,在宝石收藏圈内,特别是在翡翠交易过程中,人们通常将翡翠划分为A货、B货、C货和B+C货。那么何谓 A 货、B 货和 C 货?又怎样识别?

A级 Grade A

Natural Jadeite Jade is not treated by chemicals. It exhibits its true original color and will not fade, and is also safe to wear.

指未经过任何作假处理的正宗原色天然翡翠, 长期不会变色,具有良好的保值和收藏 价值。

B级 Grade B

Acid washed and bleached, Grade B jadeite is artificially enhanced by its transparency, brightness, colors etc. However, the original natural color inside will also be compromised and the natural reflection will be altered. 

是指将质量欠佳的天然翡翠用浓酸和漂白液浸泡,使之去黑去黄,并用环氧树脂充填(又叫“注胶”,也有不注胶的无胶“B 货”)等特殊方法处理 后,“B 货”的地得到改善,表现为水头旺了,透明度高了,而其原有的翠绿却在去黑去黄过程中被削弱了,因而显得光泽较弱。“B 货”由于经过特殊处理,故在碰撞后发出的声音已不是近似金属的铿锵清脆,而显得沉闷。

C级 Grade C

Grade C Jadeite is artificially colored jadeite by adding other tones to the jadeite that were not inherently present. Grade C Jadeite usually possess a touch blueish and yellowish tones.

是指由人工将无色翡翠加热后染色所致,又称“加色玉”,是“真玉假色”一类。它的颜色不自然,且常带蓝色或黄色成分;光泽呆滞,且颜色不均匀;用放大镜(5-10 倍),在裂绺处观察,可见铬盐沉积的色带,亦即裂隙中的绿色较浓,向裂隙的两侧逐渐变淡。

Jadeite Quality Factors 质量评判因素

Grade A jadeite's value depends on three major factors, "Texture" "Color" &"Craftsmanship"

同样是A货,那么我们又如何选择翡翠制品?简单的来说应看其 “种”、“色”、“工”。


Texture 质地

质地要坚实细润、洁净,底色协调, 均匀、坚韧而不脆,光泽强、宝气重. 包括玻璃地、冰地、豆地、干白地等

Jadeite’s texture can be fine, medium, or coarse, depending on the diameters of the granules and mineral particles within.


Smaller mineral particles and better organizations of the particles within the jadeite increase the value greatly of a jadeite.

结构是指玉的矿物结晶晶粒的大小,形状 及其排列方式。颗粒越细越均匀越好,组织越致密越好。

Transparency 透明度

Jadeite’s transparency ranges from completely opaque to semi-transparent. In the Chinese Market, Transparency is often referred to as how "watery" a jadeite jade is.

透明度及水头,水头是 行话,即指玉的透明度,透明度越高,水头越足,越好.在玉器行业中,把透明度叫做“水头”,透明度好的叫“水头足”,透明度 差的叫“没水头”(或叫干巴),对一件翡翠玉器来说,当其颜色好(有翠绿), 水头足,便叫“有色有种”,其价值就高,反之,颜色好而水头差的叫“有色无 种”,水头好而颜色差的则叫“有种无色”,后二者的价值都低。

  • Opaque 不透明

The least desirable jadeite are completely opaque or have opaque or cloudy patches that break up their transparency

  • Semitransparent 半透明

The best transparency of jadeite is semitransparent, the texture is slightly blurred but can still be easily seen through

Clarity 净度

Clarity is a criterion not only for jade, but for mostly gemstones. Usually, the clarity is also measured by the amount of "flaws" within the jade. The flaws include impurities, uneven color tones, or micro-inner cracks. A cracked jadeite jade is believe to have lost its effect of warding off spirits and the ability of balancing the inner harmony.

净度: “净度”是宝石学中对宝石品质进行评价的重要概念。特征是指能够影响到宝石外观的完善性的各种现象,习惯上,也把净度特征称为瑕疵,因为绝大多数的净度特征对宝石的美观产生负面的影响。对翡翠而言,有石花、黑点,翠性闪光(解理裂隙),杂色的色带(斑),石纹和裂纹等。翡翠净度特征的严重程度取决于其对外观完美性和美观性的破坏程度。比如:雕件上的杂色色常被当作俏色加以利用而不被认为是瑕疵。 习惯上裂纹对翡翠价值的影响要远大于其他的瑕疵,人们认为有裂纹的翡翠无灵气。翡翠外观完美性的缺陷是否存在,取决于肉眼能否识别, 翡翠的净度级别分成:极完美、完美、较完美、一般和差5个级别,定义如下表

The grade of clarity is determined by the flaws visible to the naked eye. The fewer visible flaws a jadeite has, the higher value it possesses.

Color 颜色

Color is the most important factor for jadeite's value. As consumers traditionally associate jadeite with green colors, it surprises some that jadeite comes in other colors as well — lavender, red, orange, yellow, brown, white, black, and gray are all the known natural colors of Jadeite.

Green: The finest-quality jadeite—almost transparent with a vibrant emerald-green color—is known as “Imperial jade.”

Lavender: Lavender is the next most valuable color. Intense colors command a substantial premium over lighter and weaker colors.

色: 是指翡翠的颜色, 翡翠是多色玉, 颜色是决定其价值的最主要因素之一, 一般说,翠绿色最贵,紫罗兰、翡红、花青、豆青、油青、爪皮绿等次之,灰色 和白色等最便宜。三色翡翠的也称为“桃园结义”或者“福禄寿”。翡翠常见的颜色有绿色、白色、红色、紫色、黄色等 ,其中以带绿色为最优的品种,如果一件翡翠中既有绿色,又有红色和紫罗兰色,那也是一件非常难得的翡翠。 对于绿色的翡翠来说,传统上有“浓”、“正”、“阳”、“和”之说。

Criteria of Jadeite Colors:

  • 浓 Thick,颜色深而有力;
  • 阳 Bright:颜色鲜艳明亮,
  • 俏 Vivid:颜 色美丽晶莹,
  • 正 Standard:颜色鲜艳纯正,不含邪气,
  • 和 Even:颜色均匀而不花。

Craftsmanship 加工

Craftsmanship involves not only the delicate handwork but also  the smart design of the craftsmen.

工:是指玉器的雕琢水平,它包括选材、造型及雕琢技巧,要求构思精巧, 做工精细。好的雕琢可使玉器达到巧夺天工,观为叹止的境界.


From raw stones to pieces of art, the jadeite is processed in the following steps.


1.玉石的切割 Cutting
2.玉石的琢磨 Carving
3.玉石的抛光 Polishing
4.玉石的上蜡 Waxing


Each piece of Dahlia's Jadeite Jade comes with a certificate of authenticity.


Jadeite Maintenance Tips 古人讲养玉,一个“养”字,不仅道出了玉乃有生命的物质,而且玉石保养中包含了许多学问。归纳玉石保养大致有以下要点:

1. Avoid crashing with other hard objects.避免与硬物碰撞。玉石的硬度虽高,但是受碰撞后很容易裂,有时虽然用肉眼看不出裂纹,其实玉表层内的分子结构已受破坏,有暗裂纹,这就大大损害其完美度和经济价值了。

2. Avoid dust, clean with gentle cloth and soap. Do NOT use harsh chemicals. 尽可能避免灰尘。日常玉器若有灰尘的话,宜用软毛刷清洁;若有污垢或油渍等附于玉面,应以温淡的肥皂水刷洗,再用清水冲净。切忌使用化学除油污剂液。

3. Place in a jewelry pouch when not wearing. 佩挂件不用时要放妥。最好是放进首饰袋或首饰盒内,以免擦花或碰损。如是高档的翠玉首饰,更勿放置在柜面上,免积尘垢,影响透亮度。

4. Avoid perfume, chemical sprays, or sweat. 尽量避免与香水、化学剂液、肥皂和人体汗液接触。众所周知,汗液带有盐分、挥发性脂肪酸及尿素等,玉器接触太多的汗液,佩戴后又不即刻抹拭干净,即会受到侵蚀,使外层受损,影响本有的鲜艳度。尤其是“玻璃地”翡翠、羊脂白玉,更忌汗和油脂。很多人以为翡翠愈多接触人体,用汗液等温润会愈好,其实这是一大误解。翡翠不同于古玉,古玉需要脱胎的过程,需人的体温帮助,而“玻璃地”翠玉本身已晶莹通透,不须再借助任何方法,也不可能有什么办法会使它更透亮。羊脂白玉若过多接触汗液,则容易变成淡黄色,不再纯白如脂。

5. Avoid direct sunlight and heat. 避免阳光长期直射。玉器要避免阳光的曝晒,因为玉遇热膨胀,分子体积增大,会影响玉质。尤其是芙蓉玉、水晶、玛瑙等受到高热会发生爆裂,因此更忌接近热源。

6. Use soft and un-dyed cleaning cloths. 佩挂件要用清洁、柔软的白布抹拭,不宜使用染色布、纤维质硬的布料。镶有钻石、红蓝宝、祖母绿等宝石的玉首饰,也只宜用干净的白布揩擦,将油脂、尘埃、杂质、湿气或汗液抹掉,这样有助保养和维持原质。

7. Maintain the moisture, avoid putting in an overly dry environment. 玉器要保持适宜的湿度。玉质要靠一定的湿度来维持,尤其是水胆玛瑙、水晶类的玉器。水胆玛瑙在形成时期,里面就存有天然水,若周围环境不保持一定的湿度,很干燥的话,里面的天然水就容易蒸发,从而失去其收藏的艺术和经济价值。
